Wednesday, June 10, 2009

mall belly dancers

this little doozie was taken on sunday at the super-fancy mall (called "el-pa-la-see-oh-de-yierro") which translates to 'iron palace.' we were on our way to the nike store to check out a jacket we'd seen in the window and minding our own business when this unexpected vision jumped at us.

is there anything else i should say?

i love love love that there is an osh kosh sign over them. and you'll notice that the dancer in black is getting it IN while everyone else sort of dials in their moves. clearly she's the only one in that group who has actually taken belly dancing lessons, the others are getting over with youth and good looks.

it's just started to rain really hard, but all smiles here!


1 comment:

  1. ...but that one girl can kind of sing...if you're into that sort of thing.
